As implied in our name, we are an Engineering Company able to design, develop and manufacture repair systems taking into consideration the most challenging requirements.
If your problem does not have a standard solution, 3X ENGINEERING will find it with you and will design it for you. Based on your specifications, our Research & Development (R&D) team will develop and manufacture a customised product using Finite Elements analysis.
Because our main values are « Innovation » and « Quality », our R&D team keeps exploring new technologies in order to improve continuously the quality of our products, technical services and develop new repair solutions.
All our products capabilities are certified by third parties (TUV, Bureau Veritas …).

We are a company offering a complete range of services. We manufacture and put our products on the market, but we also provide a complete integrated service with installation on-site.
3X ENGINEERING provides highly qualified engineers and technicians to perform and supervise all repair operations. Thanks to their experience and professionalism, we guarantee a high quality repair at your service.
Through our large distributors network, we have certified applicators situated close to your facilities able to apply 3X products. If not, our dedicated technical team based in Monaco will be deployed on-site to perform the repair.

Quality products alone are not enough. Long-term repairs are guaranteed by an accurate and controlled installation.
3X ENGINEERING provides technical training to its distributors in order to rise the quality of the repair to the highest level. This is the guaranty of a safe, quick and efficient repair.
Currently, we are offering trainings for the following products:
Individual certificates are provided at the end of the training, based on applicator’s ability.
Training sessions are arranged regularly in our facilities in Monaco, in the workplace of our distributors or directly on-site. To book a 3X training session for your department, please contact your local 3X representative.

At 3X ENGINEERING we not only operate onshore but we also offer offshore services.
We have developed a complete range of products dedicated to subsea operations.

To apply our products, our technicians and engineers are trained and certified to work offshore. We can also provide subsea operation supervision and coordination of technical repair divers (including saturation divers).
According to your needs, we adapt our services to offer you the best solutions for solving your offshore problems.