What are the main advantages of REFLANGEKiT® product?

ONLINE SF6 LEAK SEALING REFLANGEKiT® is a sealing technique applicable online and under pressure. NON-INVASIVE SYSTEM Flange, bolt and screw systems are protected during resin injection and disassembly (none risk of resin intrusion into the flange). REFLANGEKiT® can be removed easily without damage. COST EFFECTIVE PRODUCT  REFLANGEKiT® installation avoids a costly shutdown.

What are the main advantages of REFLANGEKiT® product? Read More »

What are the main features & advantages of TANKiT® in few points?

ONLINE REPAIR No shutdown required for TANKiT® repair (except if leakage).  TIME & COST-EFFECTIVE SOLUTION  TANKiT® is a ready-to-use product designed for emergency purpose. It does not require any engineering nor calculations. TANKiT® is dedicated to one repair and is always made of 5 Kevlar® patches. USER-FRIENDLY PRODUCT Light product, no overload on corroded tank.

What are the main features & advantages of TANKiT® in few points? Read More »

Is surface preparation necessary? If yes, what standard should be followed?

Yes, a good surface preparation is essential to get optimal resin bonding and guarantee the sustainability of the repair. The prepared surface should match with Sa 2½ or St3 standards and roughness reaches at least 60 microns (Rz). It can be done using grit blasting or Bristle Blasting (MONTI technology distributed in France by 3X).

Is surface preparation necessary? If yes, what standard should be followed? Read More »

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