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About Composites and 3X ENGINEERING (3X)
- Compared to other systems, why is 3X range of composite solutions so effective?
- Do you have experience in offshore and subsea repairs?
- In which countries are you operating?
- Is the company ISO 9001 certified?
- What are the benefits of using composites in Oil & Gas industry?
- What are the main operators using 3X composite products?
- What is a composite material?
- What is the difference between « pre-preg » and « wet lay-up »?
- What is the guarantee policy of 3X ENGINEERING?
- What is the origin of 3X products?
- Who is able to install 3X products? Do you train and certify the users or does 3X have field technicians to install them?
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- Can R4D be applied online?
- How long does it take for R4D to cure?
- How long will the repair last with R4D?
- How many layers of R4D must be installed?
- How will you seal a hole or leaking defect before R4D composite wrapping?
- Is R4D product ABS TYPE approved? What is ABS certification? And what does it mean concretely for R4D product?
- Is surface preparation necessary? If yes, what standard should be followed?
- To what standards do your composite solution complies with?
- What are the components of R4D product?
- What are the main features & advantages of R4D in few words?
- What is the difference between Kevlar® tape 8020 and 6040? How to select the right type of Kevlar® fiber?
- What is the performance range of R4D products?
- What kind of pipe can R4D repair?
- Why do you use Kevlar® tape for reinforcement?
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About STOPKiT®
- Can STOPKiT® be applied online?
- How long will the repair last with STOPKiT®?
- Is surface preparation necessary?
- What are the main advantages of STOPKiT® compared to other systems?
- What are the STOPKiT® components?
- What is the performance range of STOPKiT® products?
- What kind of pipe can STOPKiT® be used on?
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- How long will ROLLERKiT® last?
- How many repairs can we perform with one ROLLERKiT®?
- Is surface preparation necessary?
- What are the main advantages of ROLLERKiT® compared to other systems?
- What are the ROLLERKiT® components? How does ROLLERKiT® work?
- What is the performance range of ROLLERKiT® products?
- Where can ROLLERKiT® be installed on?
- Why corrosion is developed on pipe supports?
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- Can REINFORCEKiT® PATCH be applied online?
- How long will the repair last with REINFORCEKiT® PATCH?
- Is surface preparation necessary? If yes, what standard should be followed?
- To what standards do REINFORCEKiT® PATCH comply with?
- What are the components of REINFORCEKiT® PATCH?
- What are the main features & advantages of REINFORCEKiT® PATCH in few points?
- What are the main technical differences between TANKiT® and REINFORCEKiT® PATCH?
- What is the performance range of REINFORCEKiT® PATCH?
- What kind of tank can this product repair?
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A propos des Composites et 3X ENGINEERING (3X)
- Compared to other systems, why is 3X range of composite solutions so effective?
- Do you have experience in offshore and subsea repairs?
- In which countries are you operating?
- Is the company ISO 9001 certified?
- What are the benefits of using composites in Oil & Gas industry?
- What are the main operators using 3X composite products?
- What is a composite material?
- What is the difference between « pre-preg » and « wet lay-up »?
- What is the guarantee policy of 3X ENGINEERING?
- What is the origin of 3X products?
- Who is able to install 3X products? Do you train and certify the users or does 3X have field technicians to install them?
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A propos du REINFORCEKiT® 4D (R4D)
- Can R4D be applied online?
- How long does it take for R4D to cure?
- How long will the repair last with R4D?
- How many layers of R4D must be installed?
- How will you seal a hole or leaking defect before R4D composite wrapping?
- Is R4D product ABS TYPE approved? What is ABS certification? And what does it mean concretely for R4D product?
- Is surface preparation necessary? If yes, what standard should be followed?
- To what standards do your composite solution complies with?
- What are the components of R4D product?
- What are the main features & advantages of R4D in few words?
- What is the difference between Kevlar® tape 8020 and 6040? How to select the right type of Kevlar® fiber?
- What is the performance range of R4D products?
- What kind of pipe can R4D repair?
- Why do you use Kevlar® tape for reinforcement?
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A propos du STOPKiT®
- Can STOPKiT® be applied online?
- How long will the repair last with STOPKiT®?
- Is surface preparation necessary?
- What are the main advantages of STOPKiT® compared to other systems?
- What are the STOPKiT® components?
- What is the performance range of STOPKiT® products?
- What kind of pipe can STOPKiT® be used on?
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A propos du ROLLERKiT®
- How long will ROLLERKiT® last?
- How many repairs can we perform with one ROLLERKiT®?
- Is surface preparation necessary?
- What are the main advantages of ROLLERKiT® compared to other systems?
- What are the ROLLERKiT® components? How does ROLLERKiT® work?
- What is the performance range of ROLLERKiT® products?
- Where can ROLLERKiT® be installed on?
- Why corrosion is developed on pipe supports?
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- Can REINFORCEKiT® PATCH be applied online?
- How long will the repair last with REINFORCEKiT® PATCH?
- Is surface preparation necessary? If yes, what standard should be followed?
- To what standards do REINFORCEKiT® PATCH comply with?
- What are the components of REINFORCEKiT® PATCH?
- What are the main features & advantages of REINFORCEKiT® PATCH in few points?
- What are the main technical differences between TANKiT® and REINFORCEKiT® PATCH?
- What is the performance range of REINFORCEKiT® PATCH?
- What kind of tank can this product repair?
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Acerca de los compuestos y 3X ENGINEERING (3X)
- Compared to other systems, why is 3X range of composite solutions so effective?
- Do you have experience in offshore and subsea repairs?
- In which countries are you operating?
- Is the company ISO 9001 certified?
- What are the benefits of using composites in Oil & Gas industry?
- What are the main operators using 3X composite products?
- What is a composite material?
- What is the difference between « pre-preg » and « wet lay-up »?
- What is the guarantee policy of 3X ENGINEERING?
- What is the origin of 3X products?
- Who is able to install 3X products? Do you train and certify the users or does 3X have field technicians to install them?
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Acerca del sistema REINFORCEKiT® 4D (R4D)
- Can R4D be applied online?
- How long does it take for R4D to cure?
- How long will the repair last with R4D?
- How many layers of R4D must be installed?
- How will you seal a hole or leaking defect before R4D composite wrapping?
- Is R4D product ABS TYPE approved? What is ABS certification? And what does it mean concretely for R4D product?
- Is surface preparation necessary? If yes, what standard should be followed?
- To what standards do your composite solution complies with?
- What are the components of R4D product?
- What are the main features & advantages of R4D in few words?
- What is the difference between Kevlar® tape 8020 and 6040? How to select the right type of Kevlar® fiber?
- What is the performance range of R4D products?
- What kind of pipe can R4D repair?
- Why do you use Kevlar® tape for reinforcement?
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Acerca del sistema ROLLERKiT®
- How long will ROLLERKiT® last?
- How many repairs can we perform with one ROLLERKiT®?
- Is surface preparation necessary?
- What are the main advantages of ROLLERKiT® compared to other systems?
- What are the ROLLERKiT® components? How does ROLLERKiT® work?
- What is the performance range of ROLLERKiT® products?
- Where can ROLLERKiT® be installed on?
- Why corrosion is developed on pipe supports?
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Acerca del sistema STOPKiT®
- Can STOPKiT® be applied online?
- How long will the repair last with STOPKiT®?
- Is surface preparation necessary?
- What are the main advantages of STOPKiT® compared to other systems?
- What are the STOPKiT® components?
- What is the performance range of STOPKiT® products?
- What kind of pipe can STOPKiT® be used on?
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Acerca del sistema REINFORCEKiT® PATCH
- Can REINFORCEKiT® PATCH be applied online?
- How long will the repair last with REINFORCEKiT® PATCH?
- Is surface preparation necessary? If yes, what standard should be followed?
- To what standards do REINFORCEKiT® PATCH comply with?
- What are the components of REINFORCEKiT® PATCH?
- What are the main features & advantages of REINFORCEKiT® PATCH in few points?
- What are the main technical differences between TANKiT® and REINFORCEKiT® PATCH?
- What is the performance range of REINFORCEKiT® PATCH?
- What kind of tank can this product repair?
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- Can R1D be applied online?
- How many layers of R1D must be installed?
- Is surface preparation necessary? If yes, what standard should be followed?
- To what standards do your composite solution complies with?
- What are the components of R1D product?
- What are the different applications for R1D product?
- What are the main features & advantages of R1D in few words?
- What is the performance range of R1D?
- What kind of pipe can R1D repair?
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A propos du REINFORCEKiT® 1D (1D)
- Avec quelles normes votre solution composite est-elle conforme?
- Combien de couches de R1D doivent être installées?
- Est-ce qu’une préparation de surface est nécessaire? Si oui, quelle norme doit-être suivie?
- Est-ce que le R1D peut-être appliqué en ligne?
- Quel type de canalisation peut réparer le R1D?
- Quelle est la plage de performance du R1D?
- Quelles sont les différentes applications du R1D?
- Quels sont les composants du R1D?
- Quels sont les principaux avantages et caractéristiques du R1D en quelques mots?
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Acerca del sistema REINFORCEKiT® 1D (R1D)
- ¿Con qué estándares cumple su solución compuesta?
- ¿Cuál es la gama de rendimiento de los productos R1D?
- ¿Cuál es la gama de rendimiento de los productos R1D?
- ¿Cuáles son las diferentes aplicaciones del producto R1D?
- ¿Cuáles son las principales ventajas y características del R1D en unas pocas palabras?
- ¿Cuáles son los componentes del producto R1D?
- ¿Cuántas capas del R1D se deben instalar?
- ¿Es necesaria la preparación de superficie? En caso afirmativo, ¿qué norma se debe seguir?
- ¿Qué tipos de tubería pueden reparar el R1D ?
- ¿Se puede aplicar el R1D con la tubería en funcionamiento?
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- Can STOPKiT® VESSEL be applied online?
- How long will the repair last with STOPKiT® VESSEL?
- Is surface preparation necessary?
- What are the main advantages of STOPKiT® VESSEL?
- What are the STOPKiT® VESSEL components?
- What kind of installation can STOPKiT® VESSEL be used on?
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A propos du STOPKiT® VESSEL
- Combien de temps durera la réparation avec le STOPKiT® VESSEL?
- Est-ce qu’une préparation de surface est nécessaire?
- Est-ce que le STOPKiT® VESSEL peut être appliqué en ligne?
- Quels sont les composants du STOPKiT® VESSEL?
- Quels sont les principaux avantages du STOPKiT® VESSEL?
- Sur quels types de canalisation peut être utilisé le STOPKiT® VESSEL?
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Acerca del sistema STOPKiT® VESSEL
- ¿Cuáles son las principales ventajas del STOPKiT® VESSEL?
- ¿Cuáles son los componentes del STOPKiT® VESSEL?
- ¿Cuánto tiempo durará la reparación con el STOPKiT® VESSEL?
- ¿En qué tipos de instalación se puede usar el STOPKiT® VESSEL?
- ¿Es necesaria la preparación de la superficie?
- ¿Se puede aplicar el STOPKiT® VESSEL con la instalación en funcionamiento?
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About TANKiT®
- Can TANKiT® be applied online?
- How long will the repair last with TANKiT®?
- Is surface preparation necessary? If yes, what standard should be followed?
- To what standards do TANKiT® comply with?
- What are the components of TANKiT®?
- What are the main features & advantages of TANKiT® in few points?
- What is the performance range of TANKiT®?
- What kind of tank can this product repair?
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A propos du TANKiT®
- Avec quelles normes le TANKiT® est-il conforme?
- Combien de temps durera la réparation avec le TANKiT®?
- Est-ce qu’une préparation de surface est nécessaire? Si oui, quelle norme doit-être suivie?
- Est-ce que le TANKiT® peut être appliqué en ligne?
- Quelle est la plage de performance du TANKiT®?
- Quels sont les composants du TANKiT®?
- Quels sont les principaux avantages et caractéristiques du TANKiT® en quelques mots?
- Quels types de réservoirs peut réparer le TANKiT®?
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Acerca del sistema TANKiT®
- ¿Con qué estándares cumple el TANKiT®?
- ¿Cuál es la gama de rendimiento deL TANKiT®?
- ¿Cuales son las principales ventajas y características del TANKiT® en unas pocas palabras?
- ¿Cuales son los componentes del TANKiT®?
- ¿Cuánto tiempo durará la reparación con el TANKiT®?
- ¿Es necesaria la preparación de superficie? En caso afirmativo, ¿qué norma se debe seguir?
- ¿Qué tipos de tanque puede reparar el TANKiT®?
- ¿Se puede aplicar el TANKiT® con la tubería en funcionamiento?
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- Can REFLANGEKiT® be applied online?
- Is surface preparation necessary?
- What are the main advantages of REFLANGEKiT® product?
- What are the REFLANGEKiT® components? How does REFLANGEKiT® work?
- What is the performance range of REFLANGEKiT® product?
- What kind of flanges can REFLANGEKiT® be used on?
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Acerca del sistema REFLANGEKiT®
- ¿Cuál es la gama de rendimiento del producto REFLANGEKiT®?
- ¿Cuáles son las principales ventajas del REFLANGEKiT®?
- ¿Cuáles son los componentes del REFLANGEKiT®? ¿Cómo funciona el REFLANGEKiT®?
- ¿En qué tipo de bridas se puede utilizar el REFLANGEKiT®?
- ¿Es necesaria la preparación de la superficie?
- ¿Se puede aplicar el REFLANGEKiT® con la instalación en funcionamiento?
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A propos du REFLANGEKiT®
- Est-ce qu’une préparation de surface est nécessaire?
- Est-ce que le REFLANGEKiT® peut être appliqué en ligne?
- Quelle est la plage de performance du REFLANGEKiT®?
- Quels sont les composants du REFLANGEKiT® ? Comment fonctionne le REFLANGEKiT®?
- Quels sont les principaux avantages du REFLANGEKiT®?
- Sur quels types de bride peut être utilisé le REFLANGEKiT®?
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What is the performance range of R4D products?
REINFORCEKiT® 4D range of product can be used for unlimited pressure and temperatures ranging from -50°C to +150°C (-58°F to +302°F). A specific one is dedicated to subsea application (REINFORCEKiT® 4D SUBSEA).